From the land where wine-making was born.

The Talking Wine

Between 'once upon a time', and 'happily ever after', is the land where legends are born. Here, under the spell of a gentle fire, and a circle of willing ears, everyone becomes a storyteller, by turns shaking the mists from dimly-remembered tales and conjuring them to life. The wines that accompany these times are called talking wines. Breeding neither violence nor forgetfulness, they moisten the tongue with bold leaps of imagination and enspirit the heart with fellowship and good-will.
Oh, yes.
It's your turn...

These wines burst from the grapes with a story to tell. Though never overpowering, their robust flavors instantly identify a wine that's serious, but not snobbish: equally at home in any company - from intermission at the opera, to a late night snack with friends - and the perfect accompaniment to any food, any occasion.
Oh yes!

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